The hosting plan should also indicate which potential measures might be taken to support the development and enhancement of skills and competences that foster employability of researchers at-risk once in the EU. It should also include a post-fellowship plan. SAFE fellows will be required to commit to and complete the career development opportunities that are foreseen in the hosting plan. 

SAFE fellows will be able to improve their networking and communication capacities with scientific peers and the general public and hence increase their impact on research and innovation.

Events & Activities

Online launch event and information session on the call for applications and the matchmaking service / 19th November 2024 / 2:00 p.m. – 3:30 p.m. (CET)
SAFE project – online launch event
The next annual InSPIREurope+ Stakeholder Forum will take place on 7 May 2025 in Paris at the Collège de France. It will gather scholars, host institutions, funding organisations, partners and decision makers across Europe and beyond involved in the support of scholars at risk.
2025 InSPIREurope+ Stakeholder Forum
From 19 to 21 May 2025, online
Euraxess online seminar for scientists in Exile’s Professional Integration in Europe